Dirk Hofmann
11 years ago
Dear Colleagues,

this is a very preliminary announcement regarding the next International
Category Theory Meeting CT2015, which will take place in Aveiro,
Portugal, from Sunday, June 14 till Friday, June 19.

Scientific committee:

Martin Hyland - University of Cambridge
George Janelidze - University of Capetown
Joachim Kock - Universitat Aut??noma de Barcelona
Steve Lack - Macquarie University, Sydney
Susan Niefield - Union College, NY
Jiri Rosicky - Masaryk University, Brno
Manuela Sobral - University of Coimbra
Walter Tholen (chair) - York University, Toronto
Richard Wood - Dalhousie University, Halifax

Organising committee:

Gon??alo Gutierres - University of Coimbra
Dirk Hofmann - University of Aveiro
Pedro Nora - University of Aveiro
Jorge Picado - University of Coimbra
Carla Reis - Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Ana Helena Roque - University of Aveiro
Jo??o Xarez - University of Aveiro

More information will follow soon in further announcements.

Looking forward to see you next year in Aveiro!
Best regards
(for the organising committee)

[For admin and other information see: http://www.mta.ca/~cat-dist/ ]
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